Hi There!
I Am Christopher Digno
Deep Learning Explorer | Fullstack Web Developer | Born Leader
My name is Christopher Digno Mardhika Danneswara, a backend-focused software developer, deep learning explorer and a fourth-year computer science student. I'm a self-learner who's eager to keep learning things I love about computer science.

I am a fourth-year computer science student in Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia. I currently focus on machine learning, namely in the fields of Natural Language Processing and Deep Neural Network.
I was the president of my student association and the vice president of my University's Student English Forum in the same year of 2022. I was also recognized by my academic department as the best student of 2022.
In the fall semester of 2023, I got accepted in an Indonesian government-funded scholarship program at Universitat Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain. I was also selected to be the Student Representative for my cohort.
I am currently researching my thesis about Depression Causal Analysis in Social Media using MentalLongformer as well as developing my own domain-specific continued pretraining model based on Longformer for the same problem in Indonesian text. I am also working on some cool side projects using Deep Learning to solve many of our problems.
Developed a feature-rich University Accreditation System from scratch for LAM PTIP (Lembaga Akreditasi Mandiri Perguruan Tinggi Ilmu Pertanian). I also designed my own authorization system, along with other security features, such as fine-grained permissions and detailed audit logs. Source code is closed and proprietary.
Remade the website's content management system and user management system from scratch, including multilevel user management, user blocking, WYSIWYG content editor, scalable multi-category content capabilities, and more. Source code is closed and proprietary.
Participated in a bootcamp program in Ahmad Zaky's Startup Campus Backend Engineer Track funded by The Ministry of Education. In the program, I focused on API, databases, deployment, and others.
Led my student organization to conduct character building events, national seminar, student orientation week, and other events. We also partnered with national companies to hold our events.
Managed my university's student resources for national and regional English debate and public speaking tournaments. I also trained future English debaters with our seniors. Apart from that, we also held community-development events and local competitions.
Indonesian government-funded scholarship program to Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in Barcelona, Spain. Also selected as student representative for the cohort